City parking Harlingen

Are you coming to visit the beautiful harbour city of Harlingen? You can choose to park your car in the Waddenpromenade multi-storey car park, or in one of the long-term car parks. There are several paid short-term parking locations in Harlingen.

City centre

You can park your car at various locations in Harlingen for a fee. Paid parking is available from Monday 9:00 am to Saturday 8:00 pm. Parking is free in Harlingen on Sundays.


City centre
  • € 1.10 per hour
    (first 4 hours)
  • € 2.00 per hour
    (from the 5th hour)
  • Maximum daily rate € 15.00
Parking batch area
  • € 0.25 per hour
    (first 8 hours)
  • € 2.50 per hour
    (from the 9th hour)
  • Maximum daily rate € 7.50
  • € 1.10 for the first hour  
  • € 2.00 per hour
    (from the 2nd hour)
  • Maximum daily rate € 15.00
Historische binnenstad van Harlingen

Around the city centre

Parking around the city center of Harlingen is possible at several locations. Paid parking is available from Monday 9:00 am to Saturday 8:00 pm. On Sundays and after 8 pm you can park for free (with the exception of the Waddenpromenade parking garage) in Harlingen around the city centre.

Location Rate
  • € 0.35 per hour
    (first 8 hours)
  • € 2.50 per hour
    (from the 9th hour)
  • Maximum daily rate € 10.00 
Nieuwe Willemshaven
Nieuwe Vissershaven
Parking garage Waddenpromenade
  • € 1.00 per hour
    (first 4 hours)
  • € 2.00 per hour
    (after these 4 hours)
  • Maximum daily rate € 15.50

Mobile parking

Are you looking for short-term parking in Harlingen? In the municipality of Harlingen, you can pay with mobile parking everywhere. For more information, please visit the website of the municipality of Harlingen.

More Information (NL)

Charging stations

In Harlingen, there are several places where you can charge your electric car, including the Waddenpromenade Parking Garage and the long-term parking area Tsjerk Hiddes. Additionally, there are multiple charging points located in and around the city center. Find and select the right charging station for your electric car.

Charging stations in Harlingen