
The municipality of Harlingen ensures to provide content of Harlingenwelkomaanzee.nl with actual information and to keep this existing information up-to-date. Nevertheless, if you come across something that is incorrect, we would appreciate your response. We invite you to inform us about inaccuracies, incompleteness or uncertainties. Send a message via the contact form or respond via e-mail on citymarketing@harlingen.nl.

The text and images on Harlingenwelkomaanzee.nl are owned by the municipality of Harlingen and affiliated partners. Agreements have been made between these parties about the use. Responsibility for content of database entries lies with the owner of that entry. If you are of the opinion that the text or digital objects published by us on one of the communication channels infringe your rights, you can contact citymarketing@harlingen.nl. Include the title of the item in question and the URL or communication channel in the e-mail. And mention what material it is. We will subsequently investigate the objections and provide a response.